Sunday, January 31, 2010

Rough Sketch-"CHEF"

Here's the first sketch I did...Now I'm attempting to make it more clear about what's going on. The lobster on the chef's shoulder doesn't want to get into the hot boiling water. I wouldn't blame him. But It's kinda confusing cause the chef looks like he's in love with the lobster, and lobster is terrified. I want the lobster to be a snob and not get into the boiling water, and the chef is asking pretty please? That's where I am now. Drawing lobsters aren't easy.

Lobster's With Attitudes...Ever Seen One?

So...I'm currently working on an illustration that I have to draw a lobster with an attitude. For starters lobsters are difficult to add character, let alone emotion. Gotta draw eyes that aren't really there. I went onto google and typed in lobster with an attitude...clicked on "I'm Feeling Lucky, and wala I got decent images and reference to take from.
Mmmm the wonders of the inter-webs! I also checked out some images from Google as well...Not so lucky. I'll post up my sketches, as well as the finish in about a week!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

My last semester in college...

So it's almost finally here, scary and exciting at the same time. I'm referring to my last semester in college, if all goes well of course. It's been fun, I've learned a lot here at Pratt...but now it's time get serious. Need to make a check list of things to get done before entering into the "real" world/art world/being an illustrator world...Anyways I haven't posted anything on this lame blog I've got going on here...But hopefully I can change that, I'm speaking to nobody at the moment, but that's how it goes. I want to post sketches, and finished projects, of what I'm anticipating on being my best work to date! I've got a direction, I've got a drive, what else do I need? A job, a website, oh, that goes on my checklist...Stop rambling to no one Chris. Just stop...I'm stopping.